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Michael Way (UK)

Lars Backman (Sweden)

Board Members 

Christophe Ampe (Belgium)

Sandra Citi (Switzerland)
Pavel Draber (Czech Republic)
Evelyne Friederich (Luxemburg)
Benjamin Geiger (Israel)
Harald Herrmann (Germany)
Antonio Jacinto (Portugal)
Roger Karlsson (Sweden)
Mirjana Liovic (Slovenia)
Laura Machesky (UK)
Miklos Nyitrai (Hungary)
Frans Ramaekers (The Netherlands)
Giorgio Scita (Italy)
Theresia Stradal (Germany)
Maria Vartiainen (Finland)
Daniela Vignjevic (France)

Matthias Krause (UK) Webmaster


Adjunct Board Members

Christine Chaponnier (Switzerland)

Pascale Cossart (France)
Giulio Gabbiani (Switzerland)
Birgitte Lane (Singapore) 
Daniel Louvard (France) 
J. Victor Small (Austria) 


European Cytoskeletal Forum


     The European Cytoskeletal Forum (ECF) is an international association with pure scientific goals. 

   The specific aim of the Forum is the promotion and dissemination of scientific knowledge concerning the structure and function of cytoskeletal elements. The ECF carries out actions directly or indirectly pertaining to its objective, primarily via the organization of or participation in congresses, conferences, workshops and presentations. 


    The ECF promotes research, collaboration, training, and education in the field of cytoskeleton research. Annual meetings of the ECF continuously provide a structured insight into the current status of the field, in an open and interdisciplinary fashion that encourages the participation of researchers from diverse fields.


Dr.  Michael Way


The Francis Crick Institute, 1 Midland Road, London NW1 1AT, UK

Tel        +44 (0) 207 269 3733
FAX     +44 (0) 207 269 3581
email     michael.way (at)

© 2016 by Matthias Krause

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