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Future ECF Meetings

Past ECF Meetings













2010          25th           Djuronaset, Sweden.
2009          24th           SEB/ECF meeting Durham, U.K.
2008          23rd           FEBS/ECF Workshop Potsdam, Germany
2007          22nd          ASCB/ECF Summer Meeting, Dijon, France
2006          21st           A*Star/ECF Meeting, Biopolis, Singapore
2005          20th           FEBS/ESF/ECF Workshop, Luxembourg
2004          19th           FEBS/ECF Special Meeting, Helsinki, Finland
2003          18th           EMBO/FEBS/ECF Workshop, Gosau, Austria
2002          17th           Meeting, Nyon-Geneva, Switzerland.
2001          16th           Meeting, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
2000          15th           Meeting, Belgium
1999          14th          Meeting, Portugal
1998          13th          Meeting, Strasbourg, France
1997          12th          Meeting, Siena, Italy
1996          11th          Meeting, Maastricht, The Netherlands
1995          10th           Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden
1994          9th            Meeting, Dundee, Scotland
1993          8th            Meeting, Assisi, Italy
1992          7th            Meeting, Madrid, Spain
1990          6th            Meeting, Fuglsøcentret, Denmark
1989          5th            Meeting, Helsinki, Finland
1988          4th            Meeting, Lyon, France
1985          3rd            Meeting, Bielefeld
1984          2nd           Meeting, Siena, Italy
1981          1st            Meeting, Changins-Nyon, Switzerland

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