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European Cytoskeletal Forum Meeting 2022

Registration and Abstract Submission

Online Registration

Early bird rate (deadline 11.04.2022):                 685.- €

Regular rate (05.04. to 30.04.2022):                   845.- €  


Please note, attendance is limited and will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis.

Deadline for abstract submission and Early Bird Rate extended to 


11th April 2022

Presentation Preference
Authors must indicate their preferred type of presentation. Please note that the final decision on the presentation format will be made by the Program Committee.

Young Investigator Award

Scientists who want to compete in the European Journal of Cell Biology Young Investigator Competition must be under the age of 35 (proof or letter from supervisor will be requested). Anybody interested and qualifying should submit his/her abstract under the section “Young Investigator“. Abstracts will be pre-sorted and pre-ranked by the Young Investigator Award committee and the best abstracts chosen for oral communication.  In the event that more Young Investigator Award abstracts are submitted than oral communication spots available, only the top ranked will be chosen for an oral presentation, the others will be invited to show a poster (but will not be considered for a prize). During the meeting, the Young Investigator Award committee will rank the quality of the talks and produce a final listing. The two winners (Certificate and 500,- € cash reward) will be announced during the award ceremony on the final day of the meeting. Moreover, winners will receive an acknowledgement on the European Journal of Cell Biology website.

Poster Awards

All Scientists presenting a poster can compete in the competition for two FEBS Letters Poster Prizes and two FEBS Open Bio Poster Prizes (Certificate and 200,- € cash reward). Moreover, winners will receive an acknowledgement on the website of the publishing platform for the four journals owned by the not-for-profit Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS).

Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentation Guidelines:

  • Please refer to the Program Schedule for more information on the time and duration of your presentation. We kindly ask you to keep strictly to the assigned time limit.

  • The required technical equipment (including notebook) will be provided in the session room.

  •  We kindly ask you to submit your presentation on a USB memory stick directly at the conference room,  latest during the break before the respective session starts

  • We recommend you to prepare your PPT-slides in the classic 4:3 format

  • Kindly be at the session room at least 10 minutes before the session starts to meet the chair and familiarize yourself with the technical setup.

Poster Presentation Guidelines:

  • The poster must be in DIN A0, portrait format. It should not exceed the following dimensions: 85 cm width, 119 cm height.

  • Please only mount your poster on the board that shows your poster number.

  • Poster pins will be provided and distributed on-site.

  • Posters should be mounted for Poster Session I at the beginning of the conference (until Monday, 11:30 AM at the latest) and must be removed before Tuesday, 14.00 PM

  • For Poster Session II, posters can be displayed from Tuesday, 14.00 PM and must be removed by Thursday, 14.00 PM.

  • Authors are kindly requested to be present at their posters during their session.

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